Sunday, 16 October 2011


1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  I am very pleased with my magazine cover and how it turned out, There are a lot of similarities between my magazine and a professional magazine however, If I were to do this again, I would use more of what I researched into.
- I looked through student magazines to get inspiration for the captions on the cover, I discovered that Driving lessons and help with tests was most popular, so I included this on my cover, as students
  - I also noticed that Professional magazines use Bold and clear fonts that contrast the background. The background of my magazine is white, and so I chose a colour for my text and title that standsout from the white.
  - Similar to other magazines, the main Feature of my magazine 'The noobs guide to Google+' is bold and very large, This connotes importance and also makes it more noticable and prominant.
  - Each caption is quite large and has a smaller despription underneith, this is so when people quickly look to the magazine, they see the caption first and can read the description after if it appeals to them.

2)Who would be the audience for your media product?
-The target audience for my magazine are both male and female students at college. I have focused on each as a whole rather than what specific people like, however the magazine does include articles for both male and female such as driving lessons and how to use google plus. 

3) How did you attract/address your audience? 
 -I have included different captions on the front for both male and female audiences, such as 'Driving lessons - Tips on how to past your test' for both male and female audiences looking for help on driving lessons.
-I have focused on I have also included others specifically for male or female students, such as cake recipes and football Focus so that the magazine is suited for both.
-I have used soft brown colours for my title and text because it is a unisex colour, it connotes sophistacation and also is easy to red against the background.
-I have included a caption 'the noobs guide to google+' this uses slang so the readers can relate to it. Google+ is used by students everyday, they would need to know everything about it to use it to its full potential. I have also included the logo on the left to the caption as it makes it more noticable for people who just scan the cover of the magazine. The word 'Google+' has been written in a clear, bold font, it is easily noticed and shows that this is the main article in this magazine.

4) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
-The main software I used during this task was photoshop, I learnt how
 to use the magnetic lasso tool to cut out my photographs and delete the
 background. From using this tool, I have learnt that the image looks a
 lot better when it is feathered around the edges or the photograph looks
 too sharp. 
- I have also learnt how to use the layer tool to layer my images and text, This makes the magazine cover look a lot more professional as I could over-lap the text and the images.    
-I used the internet during the making of my magazine cover and contents page, I used the internet mainly for research and planning, it benefitted my magazine cover a lot because i could compare it to professional magazines and see what the difference was. 
Text wrap.
Indesign Logo
- I used Indesign to make my contents page, I used this because I could get special effects from it that I couldn't get if I was using photoshop, such as text wrap as it looks very professional and it easy to include text and images without it looking messy and cluttered. 
Column options
-Another reason why I used indesign was because I could create columns making it easy to add text, keeping it looking neat. Our contents page has Three columns, Here is an example of two. 
-Throughout the task I have been Blogger to keep track of my planning and to show me what I have learnt. The blog helped me to present my work neatly and clearly and also helps me see how our magazine has develpoed over time. I think blooger was easy to use because the webiste explains very well what everything is and how to use it. However, I found it difficult To post images and move them to where I wanted.

Blogger Logo.

-I used a digital SLR to take the photographs for my front cover, I learnt that its easier to have the camera on portrait mode when taking a headshot rather than auto because it easily focuss on the face and also changes the tones of the skin, making it look softer. 

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